Tips to improve low mood
The Hidden Triggers of Low Mood: How Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference
Ever wonder why some days everything feels like too much? Like even the smallest tasks are overwhelming? Low mood is something we all experience from time to time, but it’s not always easy to pinpoint exactly why it happens. So many hidden factors can impact how we feel. The good news? Understanding what may contribute to low mood can help us take small steps to feel better. In this blog, I’ll walk you through the most common causes of low mood—and share practical tips that can help lift you, even on the toughest days. Let’s explore how low mood develops and the small steps we can take to feel better.
What Causes Low Mood? It’s More Than You Think
When we’re feeling low, it’s important to remember that it’s not "all in our head." Low mood can come from a combination of physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors. Some of these include:
Physical symptoms (feeling run down or unwell)
Relationships (strained connections or feeling lonely)
Past and present experiences (even unresolved issues from years ago)
Living conditions and lifestyle (major life changes, like moving house, having a baby, changing job, financial problems)
What we do each day (or what we don’t do, e.g. lack of activity can affect mood)
Sleep, movement, and energy levels (ever tried to get through the day after your dog / child / noisy neighbours wake you up at 5am?)
What we eat (food has a bigger impact on mood than we often realise)
Emotional triggers and memories (sometimes small things remind us of deeper issues)
Each of these factors can influence our mental health, often without us even realising it. When we think about what’s affecting our mood, it’s helpful to see the bigger picture.
Low Mood Often Builds Up Over Time
Imagine you’re juggling work, home life, and trying to fit in everything else, like caring for kids / going for a food shop / seeing friends. You may skip meals, miss out on sleep and feel pulled in a hundred different directions. Eventually, it all catches up with you, and that’s when low mood sometimes creeps in.
It’s rarely just one thing that causes low mood—it’s a build-up of everything happening in our lives. That’s why it’s important to understand how different factors interact to affect our mood.
How to Boost Your Mood: Small Changes Make a Big Difference
When it comes to lifting our mood, the changes we make don’t have to be huge. Sometimes, just tweaking the "ingredients" in our daily lives can help. Here are some easy things you can try:
Prioritise rest and sleep – Sleep is essential to feeling refreshed and a lack of it can lower our mood. Rather than just setting an alarm to wake up, try setting one to remind yourself to wind down and go to bed. If you find yourself unable to sleep, get up and do a calming activity until you feel tired again—avoid lying in bed tossing, turning, and worrying. Trust that your body will naturally sleep when it’s ready.
Connect with others – A brief catch-up with friends or family can make a big difference in shifting our perspective. Even the simplest interaction—like a friendly chat with the barista who serves your coffee/checkout assistant at the shop—can brighten our day and boost our mood. These small moments of connection remind us that we’re not alone and they can have a surprisingly powerful impact on how we feel.
Eat nourishing food – What we eat fuels both our bodies and minds, and I’ve noticed this in my own life. If I reach for several chocolate biscuits during a busy day, I get an instant sugar boost but then quickly feel tired and sluggish. On the other hand, when I choose something like a banana or a handful of nuts instead, I feel more sustained energy throughout the day. Making small choices like this can have a big impact on both how we feel physically and our overall mood. It’s all about giving our bodies the nutrients they really need to function at their best (and hey, let’s be realistic, 1-2 biscuits is ok – it’s all about BALANCE).
Move your body – Physical movement, even something as simple as a short walk, can make a big difference in how we feel. For example, on days when I feel drained or stuck in a rut, I’ll take my dog out for a quick walk around the neighbourhood. It’s amazing how just 10 minutes of fresh air and gentle movement can lift my energy and clear my mind. Even if it’s just a stroll to the shop or around the block, moving your body can be a powerful way to boost your mood.
Take a break – Taking a break, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, can make a big difference. For instance, stepping away from social media for a few minutes to sit quietly / with a relaxing piece of music, or have a cup of tea can help reset your mind and reduce stress. We all have 2-5 minutes in our day to pause, and starting small like this is an easy way to give yourself a moment of calm. Those brief breaks can help you feel more centred and ready to take on the next task. So whether it’s stepping away from social media or finding a moment of calm, it’s important to take time for yourself.
How Social Media Affects Your Mood
Ever notice how your mood changes after scrolling through social media? If your feed is full of positive and inspiring content, it can make you feel more uplifted and connected. But if you’re constantly seeing highlight reels of other people’s “perfect lives,” it’s easy to feel like you don’t measure up.
What we feed our minds matters just as much as what we feed our bodies. By being mindful of what we consume, whether that’s media, news, or even the people we surround ourselves with, we can help create an environment that supports positive mental health.
Final Thoughts: Feed Your Mind with the Right Ingredients
Much like cooking a meal, the quality of the ingredients you put in will affect the end result. The better you take care of yourself, the better your mood will be. That doesn’t mean everything has to be perfect, but by making small changes—whether it’s resting, eating well, or nurturing your relationships—you’ll start to feel the difference.
Remember, low mood isn’t something that happens out of nowhere and it’s not just one thing. It’s a mix of everything going on in our lives and by paying attention to the small things, we can begin to improve how we feel day-to-day.
Take care of yourself, even if it means enjoying that one Roses chocolate you've been saving from Christmas. In fact, I'm currently doing that right now as I write! Sometimes, a small treat is just the boost we need to finish a task / brighten the day!
Until next time.
Sending love,
Dr Dot, Clinical Psychologist